Important This site, SIPO and SUG (or anything your see here) is not supported or endorced (or even acknowledged) by SSH Communications Security Corp. As far as they (or we) are concerned the only thing linking SSH and SUG together is that the "Box" happens to be designed and manufactured by SSH. (Then again, there is a work in progress to port the SIPO "experience" to other platforms.) If you choose to convert your IPVia SGW into a SIPO "Box" you will not receive any support from SSH and you will probably violate some maintance/support (or whatnot) contract you may have with them. There are no warranties of any kind. A SIPO box does not have the same functionality as the official SGW. It is a firewall oriented small Linux platform, nothing more nothing less. In all things SIPO, do not contact SSH Communications Security Corp. They do not want to know. Marko Teiste 2003-11-12 08:10 © 2003, Jouni Malinen & Marko Teiste